
RSHE: Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Rshe refresher

Positive and Healthy Relationships-including Relationships, Sex and Health Education

The school takes a positive approach to teaching our students about positive and healthy relationships. This includes teaching about the following topics in an age appropriate way and according to the statutory guidance Relationships, Sex and Health Education 2020 (see under Teaching and Learning for Guidance and MLT RSHE Policy):

Safeguarding and how to stay safe-including online

Healthy and respectful relationships, including kindness, privacy, respecting boundaries

What respectful behaviour looks like


Gender roles, stereotyping and equality

Body confidence and self-esteem

Child on Child Abuse

Prejudiced behaviour

Sexual violence and sexual harassment

Rshe outline

We also make clear to students how we ensure we put relevant policies into practice ie RSHE; Safeguarding and Child Protection; Positive Behaviour and Anti-Bullying.

Through our explicit routines and guidance, we make it clear to students what behaviour is and is not acceptable including any kind of peer on peer abuse. We regularly remind students of the importance of raising any concerns which they may have and how to access support if they need it.

Rshe web

RSHE Overview

We have to educate ourselves

Sexuality education plus

Protected characteristics

DFE understanding RSHE a guide for parents

Childline support on relationships and sex RSHE

SEND support on relationships and sex RSHE

What do children and young people learn in relationship, sex and health education

Student Feedback

Fiona feedback

Zadie feedback

Lian feedback

Deeya feedback

Rory feedback


Page Downloads Date  
Positive and Healthy Relationships 03rd Oct 2023 Download
MLT RHSE Policy 10th Nov 2023 Download
My Body My Choice Votes for Schools Ages 11-16 19th Jan 2024 Download